Monday, August 17, 2009

All Cropped Out!

Welcome to a new week, I hope it finds you thankful for your blessings!

We had a wonderful live crop this weekend, with a Yard Sale! Aside from all the disappointed people who apparently thought the word “Scrapbook” on the yard sale signs meant “jewelry and antiques'” we had a good turnout! I unloaded a bunch of paperscrap stuff, still have some left to donate to the Girl Scout scrapbook stash, and then spend the rest of the day… not scrapping! No kidding, 15 hours, and not a single page scrapped! But I had the best, most exciting day I’ve had in a long time (sorry hunny, no reflection on your manly attentions…)

crop1 We had the next generation in attendance (though Sims3 was a bigger draw than the scrapbooks). Two of the girls are paper scrappers, but we’re working on them. It’s just finding time to do the classes. Still, it’s nice to be able to include some of my favorite young women in our hobby. Our DD Katie (oops, sorry it’s KaeDee now) is the one in the middle.

crop2 This is the smartest digiscrapper I know. She drove over 1/2 hour to come to the crop, stayed the whole 15 hours, and BROUGHT HER OWN CHAIR!! I spent the whole day jealous of her comfy buns! I’m going to the used office furniture place today with my yard sale earnings to get me a ‘scrapping chair’ I can take to crops!

I met some wonderful new friends – even if they ARE paperscrappers. We digi-girls politely refrained from laughing and pointing as they dragged their stuff in, and in, and in. We even offered to help lug it all out. But the highlight of the day was…

crop3 These girls took the cake! They came with all their paper supplies, set up, scrapped for a couple of hours – the whole time I was showing off my books and layouts on my computer to friends who stopped by the yard sale. Jennifer C took it upon herself to do a little digi-evangelizing and before I knew it they were packing up their stuff. It was just lunch time, and I asked if she scared them off? They said no, they were going to take their paper stuff home and bring back their laptops and would I teach them how to do this? Would I! We spent an hour going through the first session of our My First Layout class, and they were off and running! I think they both went home with headaches, but new addicts were born! It’s so fun to see the light bulb go on, and hear all the great ideas these girls had about how to use their new skills – recipe cards, hybrid projects… the list goes on.

Having our paperscrap sisters with us was wonderful though, even though we tease them. I believe they actually got more done than us digi-girls - sometimes having a lot of options is NOT a good thing!

So I never scrapped a thing… and had a blast! Getting to know these amazing ladies, having some good ‘’girl time”, and sharing our enthusiasm for scrapbooking added up to a great day.

Hope you had a renewing weekend too, drop by the gallery and show us what you scrapped!

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